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Installing Spike

You will need a valid license key to install Spike.

You can get a Single or Unlimited license from here.


Before you install Spike, you should know the requirements for using Spike.

  • Laravel 10+
  • PHP 8.1+

If you already have Laravel Cashier installed on your project, please make sure it is updated to the latest version.

Installing the package via Composer

First you should add Spike's private repository to your composer.json file:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""

Once the repository has been added to the composer.json file, you can install Spike like any other composer package using the composer require command:

composer require opcodes/spike

Livewire 3 support is available on the v2.0.0-beta version, which you can install like this:

composer require opcodes/spike:^2.0@beta

Once you do, you will be prompted to authenticate in order to download Spike:

Loading composer repositories with package information
Authentication required (
Username: [licensee-email]
Password: [license-key]

The username will be your email address and the password will be equal to your license key. If you have the Single license key, you will need to append your selected domain to the license key. If instead you have the Unlimited license, you don't need to append any domain name.

For example, let's say you have the following license information:

  • Licensee email:
  • License key: bcee7a9d-0801-4b06-aa5f-62ec38ab627e
  • License type: Single (one project)
  • Activation domain:

This will require your licensee to enter the following information when prompted for their credentials:

Loading composer repositories with package information
Authentication required (

To avoid manually typing these credentials, you may create a Composer auth.json file and use the same details as described above.

    "http-basic": {
        "": {
            "username": "",
            "password": ""

The above username and password are just an example.

Don't forget to replace the values with your own license information.

It is not recommended to commit the auth.json file to your version control repository, because it contains sensitive information like your email and license key.

Authenticating Spike in Continuous Integration (CI) Environments

You should not store your Composer auth.json file inside your project's version control repository. However, there may be times you wish to download Spike inside a CI environment like GitHub Actions or Chipper CI.

For instance, you may wish to run tests for your project. To authenticate Spike in these situations, you can use Composer to set the configuration option inside your CI system's pipeline, injecting environment variables containing the credentials you used above to require the Composer package:


Using the example username & password above, the command would look like this:

composer config

Downloading package

Instead of using Composer to install Spike, you can instead download the ZIP package directly from our Downloads page.

Next steps

After you have installed Spike, let's learn how to get started and use it for the first time.


If you have any questions, feedback, or need any help setting up Spike within your project, feel free to reach out to me.