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Using Stripe Checkout with Spike

Spike allows you to use Stripe Checkout for the final payment step. This has the benefit of allowing your customer to use payment methods other than credit cards, such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, Klarna, etc. It also has a familiar feel as well, which your customers might appreciate.

If you'd like to use Stripe Checkout for the final payment step, you can do so by enabling it in the config/spike.php configuration file:

    'stripe_checkout' => [
        'enabled' => true,

        // ...

Note on invoices

By default, Stripe Checkout does not create invoices for one-time purchases. The feature is opt-in, because one-time purchase invoices created post-checkout are not free (see this Stripe support article).

You can opt in and enable invoice creation for products in the config/spike.php configuration file:

    'stripe_checkout' => [
        // ...

        'generate_invoices_for_products' => true,

Invoices for subscriptions are created as usual, even when using Stripe Checkout.

Branding your Stripe Checkout

If you enabled Stripe Checkout in Spike, don't forget to also update the branding for your Stripe Checkout in the Branding Settings page.


If you have any questions, feedback, or need any help setting up Spike within your project, feel free to reach out to me.